Labels:book | bulletin board | poster | reckoner | sidewalk | sky | windowpane OCR: TIFF5.0 3= For bitevel Pup gayscate images: Oisimaged black ?**BitsPerSample- -I is imaged 25 white. If GrayResponseCurve exists. . it overrides the PhotometricInterpretation vatue although ir is safer ta mate tham march since same old applicatians may still be ignoring GrayR esponseCurre f thus vatue is specified for Compression=2 the image shauld sply prin reversed RGB In the. RGB model. a cotor is described 5 combination of the three primary colors af light (red, green, and blue} in particular concentrations. ach of he three samples O represents minimum intensity, and 2* *BitsPer$ample I represents maximum intensity. Thus an RCB vatuc of 0,0,0 represents black and {255,255,255} represents white, assuming 8-bit sampies PlanarConfiguration sampk. stored in the indicated order: first Red t ...